What is Hernia
What is Hernia A hernia is any structure passing through another which in doing so ends up in the wrong place. Formally, it is defined as the protrusion of a loop or knuckle of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening. An inguinal hernia is most common – these occur in the area where the skin crease at the top of the thigh joins the torso (the inguinal crease) and appear as a bulge. Other Hernias: Femoral hernia – bowel enters the femoral canal presenting as a mass in the upper, inner thigh. Umbilical – through the umbilicus (the belly button area). Paraumbilical – just above or below the umbilicus. Epigastric – pass through linea alba (midline abdomen) above the umbilicus. Incisional hernias – follow breakdown of muscle closure after previous surgery. Lumbar – through one of the lumbar triangles Richter’s – this is when the bowel wall only, not the bowl opening is involved. Obturator – through the obturator canal. Typically there is pain along the inner...